Aquatic Invasive Species and Plants

What is this about?
Preventing the spread of aquatic aquatic invasive species and plants is a nationwide issue. Although not native to the United States, nuisance species plant and animal life are in just about every body of freshwater in Connecticut. Local lake and river departments are being overwhelmed by the maintenance. Most towns are not budgeting for the proper equipment to make headway. State Departments can only do so much due to the very same reasons. The battle against nuisance plants alone has become a multimillion-dollar problem that is getting brushed under the carpet every day.
Nearly one hundred percent of this problem is transporting aquatic invasive species and plants from one body of water to another via vessels. Whether it is from Europe to the United States, from the oceans to lakes, or from lakes to rivers, rivers to ponds, it has been going on for hundreds of years.
What is the Effect
Introducing harmful species and organisms to a lake, river, or bay leads to environmental degradation. Without any natural enemies, plants and species flourish in a body of water. As a result, entire waterways have been shut down. Native animals are losing the battle. Park areas have become less desirable to residents and therefore losing revenue for the town.
What can you do….Clean, Drain, and Dry
Clean, Drain, and Dry is an initiative set forth by the State of Connecticut. In fact, the DEEP has mandated that Private Providers like Connecticut Boating Certificates LLC incorporate this topic into the boating course material taught to their students. So Boaters please do your part. Clean your boat off before leaving the ramp. Drain your boat thoroughly before leaving the ramp. Dry using a towel before leaving a ramp. Remove any water from bait buckets and coolers. Even at home, remember that the storm drains at the end of your driveway lead to local rivers, creeks, and lakes so be mindful of that as well.
Please vote on your town’s budget and make sure they are doing their best to keep our waterways clean!
Above all, be smart, be safe, and remember there are no egos when passengers’ lives are in your hands.
Please visit our Public Course Schedule to view all of the classes we have available for you. Zoom classes are now available. There has never been an easier way to get your Boating Certificate
Here is a fantastic page from the Department of Enviromental and Energy Protection’s website: Aquatic Invasive Species (ct.gov)