At Connecticut Boating Certificates LLC, we make our student experience the number one priority because after all we teach people. We have taken learning material mandated by the state and piques interest by using a multitude of learning methods. We have perfected the timing of our course in such a way that you’ll feel like you just watched a great movie. Course materials are presented in a clear and easy-to-understand format and our instructors will position you to have the greatest opportunity to pass the final exam which is taken at the end of the day.
Every Connecticut Boating Certificates LLC trainer spends a mandatory 32 hours per year educating themselves on the changes that impact Boating Safety and refining their craft as Educators must learn to relate to their students. We are approved by NASBLA and the CT DEEP
Simply put, our trainers are bright and articulate. Every Connecticut Boating Certificates trainer spends a mandatory 20 hours per year educating themselves. Studying the changes that impact Boating Safety and refining their craft as Educators. As a result our instructors will give you the greatest opportunity to pass the final exam. Our students have an average score 96-98 percent on the exam. In other words, we hold our instructors to a high standard as well. We have thousands of fantastic testimonials about our instructors written by our students. Please read them to see what all of our past and recent students have said about our course.
Initially, when we set out to become a provider for Connecticut's Safe Boating Certificate, we had one simple phrase in mind. “Do your best and forget the rest”. Nonetheless somewhat cliché, the more we thought about it the more it made sense. Meanwhile, we felt that if we put forth our best effort on everything we did, what more could we do? Connecticut Boating Certificates LLC is a product of those efforts. We’ll always give you our best effort to provide you with the best experience we can procure. You are not just another “number”, we consider you a client and that is how you’ll be treated.
As a provider, we take the time to make sure you are taken care of from start to finish. Let us do the worrying and you do the learning!